Anyone who's familiar with mixed martial arts fighting is fully aware that strength training and metabolic conditioning are the cornerstones of properly preparing for any pro or amatuer MMA bout. During the years that I was competing in professional mixed martial arts I learned various strength and metabolic training techniques and concepts that I now share with my most athletic and ambitious clients.
STRENGTH TRAINING is a great opportunity for a person of nearly any age to rebuild their body from the inside out. It's an especially effective option for my older clients (ages 55 +) to build healthy lean muscle mass while avoiding the types of aggressive exercises that could cause unnecessary soreness, intense pain or injury.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING is another phenomenal method of building sexy lean muscle mass. However I typically reserve this training modality for my slightly younger (ages 35 to 55) and more athletic clients searching for ways to either get back in great shape or take their fitness to next level.
Not sure which training modality is best for you?
Click this link to schedule your FREE Wellness Assessment and we'll figure this out together!
Let's Go Champ!

Boxing & Kickboxing
I have a background not only as a Personal Trainer and Kickboxing Instructor, but also as a Pro MMA Fighter! For nearly 20 years I have used my martial arts training, fitness knowledge and professional fighting experience to help people develop incredible strength and remarkable endurance physically, mentally and emotionally.
My martial arts journey began in 1999 at Cal State University Long Beach when I accidentally wandered into an intense workout with the Shotokan Karate Club. After one practice I was hooked and by 2002 I had achieved the rank of black belt. My next challenge was the karate tournament circuit were I acquired multiple gold medals in regional, national and international Shotokan Karate competitions.
My personal training career started in 2011 at a small gym called LA Boxing in Walnut Creek. It didn't take long for my classes and personal training services to hit near max capacity. Roughly two years later I became a personal trainer for Equinox in Palo Alto; the “go-to” gym for Silicon Valley elites. In 2014 I started his own personal training company called Fire Fitness Training, Inc. which has been renamed to JDM Coaching and Training. Lastly, I also teach kickboxing classes twice a week at Alonso Academy in Newark!
Want to learn more?

​Nearly six years ago, almost to the day that I’m creating this, I was at the lowest point I’ve ever been in my life. Angry, confused, heartbroken and alone. I was on the floor of my Motel 6 room telling myself that I didn’t need to get up if I didn't want to. I didn't need to grab something to eat if I didn't want to. I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow if I didn't want to. I didn’t have to do ANYTHING anymore, ever again,
if I didn’t want to.
About 7 years ago, I unexpectedly lost my father figure to a rare disease at the hieght of my fighting career. That tragic event quickly sent me into a "functioning" depression. The following year, after nearly 15 years of marriage and 18 months of marriage counseling; I got a divorce. In-spite of the fact that it was ultimately the right move for both me and my ex-wife; the judgement, the betrayal and the loneliness I experienced sent me into an even deeper depression. As a result, I encountered what I call the THREE DEADLY DRAGONS - Divorce, Depression and Death of a Loved One - all at once. The truth is, any one of those conditions can bring a man to his knees but the three of them together nearly destroyed me.
I've said all that to tell you this;
I know what it’s like to be abandoned and betrayed by people you once loved.
I know what it's like to want to tell your side of the story only to realize that no one's listening and know one really cares. I know what it's like to be desperately seeking answers and having no one to turn to for sound advise or guidance.
I know what it’s like to left alone, lost in the dark;
knowing in your heart that no one is coming to save you.
It took me about 5 solid years of hard work, deep reflection and painfully slow growth to put these lessons together in such a way that I could build myself back up into the man you see today. Along that journey I learned that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of good men going through the EXACT same thing that I've been through. The same things you might be going through right now. Now, I can't help all of them, no one person can but chances are I can help YOU!​​
That's why I decided to become a Men’s Confidence Coach so that I can help men get their "Swagger Back" after breakup or divorce so that they can learn to live a life where they are not just surviving;
but truly thriving.
Click the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute wellness consultation!
Let's Get It!

Before you start browsing,
Let me tell you something that you already know...​​
Life is a fight my friend,
It's You versus YOU.​
Your Lesser Self versus your Greater Self,
The Beast that WINS is the One that you Feed.​​
Let's make sure you're feeding the right BEAST.​​